Mandatory Training

carer setting up hoist to use on elderly man.
Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

This course has been designed to be completed alongside your completion of the Abuka Mandatory Practical Training. In order to pass all elements of your Mandatory Training, and make you compliant for work, you will need to complete this workbook and submit to your employer as soon as possible for marking. Results of the work will be communicated to you within a week of your submission. 

Why do I need to do this? 

Your employer needs to ensure you have the knowledge, skills and understanding to carry out your work safely and effectively. This protects the employer, protects you, AND shows clients that the staff working for them are of an excellent calibre. The Practical Mandatory Training day that you attended shows the trainer that you have the practical skills to safely carry out Basic Life Support and Moving and Handling – your knowledge in other key areas now needs to be shown via completion of this booklet.