Oral Health and Hygiene

Suitable for Nurses and Carers working within healthcare establishments. This course provides 3.5 hours of certifiable CPD




Good oral health and hygiene promotes overall general good health, while the mouth is a “window into the body”.  Often overlooked, oral hygiene must be promoted as a vital part of routine care.  This half day course considers different mouth conditions that can be prevented through oral health and is ideal for care staff and nurses alike.health and 

Course Contents

  • Why oral health is important
  • Risk factors
  • Mouth anatomy (including the oral cavity, boundaries, oral vestibule, salivary glands, nerve supply, bones and muscles)
  • Oral cavity functions (including secondary respiration function, digestive system and speech production)
  • Emotional and esteem considerations related to poor oral hygiene
  • The mouth as a health indicator (including saliva as a diagnostic tool)
  • The purposes of saliva
  • Plaque – production and effects
  • Calculus – production, effects and removal
  • The tooth anatomy
  • Caries/decay – causes and effects
  • Gingivitis – effects, signs and symptoms
  • Periodontitis – effects, signs and symptoms
  • “From mouth to blood” – effects of oral bacteria on wider health issues, inc. diabetes, infective cardocarditis, cardiovascular disease, pre-term birth, ingestion and respiration
  • Other mouth conditions, including actinic cheilitis, angular cheilitis, cold sores, canker sores, oral lichen planus, tosilloliths, boils and abscesses
  • Oral hygiene, including the primary function of brushing, use of mouthwashes, flossing and the effects of fluoride
  • Denture care
  • Side effects of medication
  • Importance of drinking water
  • Promoting good oral care for individuals, including discussion of legal implications (MCA, Best Interests, legalities surrounding Forced Care)

Course Outcome

Successful completion of this training course will result in the award of a CPD accredited certificate covering all aspects of the above course contents.

Oral Health and Hygiene
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