Mental Capacity Act and DoLS

This half-day Mental Capacity Act and DoLS course is suitable for nurses, carers and support workers.
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Care workers have to have an awareness of, and must follow, the legal safeguards in the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and are legally required to follow the Code of Practice when acting in relation to a person who lacks, or who may lack, capacity. This course is designed to give carers an understanding of their responsibilities and how to put them into practice in the workplace.

Course Contents

  • Context and Background of the MCA
  • Key Points of the MCA
  • Defining and Assessing Capacity and Consent within the Terms of the Act
  • The Importance of a Person
  • Centred Approach to Assessment
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
  • The 6-Stage Assessment
  • The Monitoring and Implementation of Roles and Responsibilities
  • Is this a Restraint or a Restriction?
  • The Legal System
  • Relevant Person’s Representatives and IMCAs
  • Recording Decisions made within the Guidelines of the Act
  • Enabling Individual Choice: Advance Decisions and Directives
  • Using MCA to Promote Choice and Independence

Course Outcomes

Your staff will be equipped with all the relevant knowledge and an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which determines carers responsibilities to those who may lack mental capacity.

Successful completion of this training course will result in the award of a CPD accredited certificate covering all aspects of the above course contents.

Mental Capacity Act and DoLS (Level 2)
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