Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH)

This COSHH half-day training course is suitable for those who are liable to be exposed to or in control of hazardous substances in the workplace.
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Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002, regulation 12 states that ‘every employer who undertakes work which is liable to expose an employee to a substance hazardous to health shall provide that employee with suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training.’ Employees also have a legal responsibility to co-operate fully with their employer in order to enable them to meet their legal obligations.

By providing effective COSHH training, employers can help to ensure that everyone in the workplace is competent to carry out their work safely. Managers, supervisors and other members of staff should be able to recognise the hazards posed by their work, be able to take action to reduce or eliminate the risks and understand how to follow procedures.

Course Contents

  • CoSHH legal regulations
  • Problems to health from hazardous substances
  • Identifying hazardous substances
  • CoSHH risk assessments and control measures
  • Monitoring the assessment and health surveillance
  • Biological Hazards
  • Blood Borne Diseases
  • Pathogenic Organisms
  • Viruses/Parasites & Fungus
  • Hand Washing Techniques
  • PPE

Course Outcomes

Successful completion of this training course will result in the award of a CPD accredited certificate covering all aspects of the above course contents.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH)
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